

I support busy sisters as they simplify, declutter & reclaim their sense of peace and purpose, one small step at a time. bi'ithnillah. 

The goal 

To support sisters in reclaiming their peace and purpose - creating space in their lives for the things that are truly important 

Because in that space, amazing things can happen - bi'ithnillah. 


 Rewind several years and I was drowning in my life. 

I was 'ticking the Islamic boxes' for the most part  but if I'm honest, my daily life was far from focused on my true purpose or my Hereafter.  

Caught in a downward spiral, neither present in my life nor in my worship, I knew I was in trouble.  

"How did I get here?"  

“And how do I get out?” 

Allah in all His Mercy opened the doors and showed me the path from a life of overwhelm and chaos to a life of greater calm, focus and purpose - alhamdulilah.

Simplification, viewed through the lens of our ultimate purpose - to worship Allah - became a compass to help navigate this 'world of more' and my own cluttered life.

It became a way to turn down the noise, reduce distraction, filter what is and isn't important, and create space for what truly matters. 

Now I care deeply about supporting sisters on their own unique simplification journeys, helping them turn down the noise and reclaim their peace and purpose.  

Reclaiming Peace and Purpose, One Small Step at a Time  

While there's plenty of content out there on decluttering and minimalism, I recognized the need for a supportive community and practical simplification guidance rooted in our faith.

I founded Finding Sakeenah to create a safe space for sisters to connect, to learn and to transform their lives, simplifying, decluttering and making space for what is most important. 

What sets Finding Sakeenah apart is the gentle, holistic and deen-based approach to simplification and decluttering, meeting sisters where they are, providing compassionate support, and guiding them step by step towards positive change.

I also understand that transformation takes time and patience, which is why I offer bite-sized classes, easy-to-understand guidance, and ongoing support helping sisters to create space for positive change and ultimately live a life of purpose for the sake of pleasing Allah.


Your Life is too important to stay stuck in a state of clutter and overwhelm. 


Online Courses & Program Bundle (Save 35%) 

My Signature 'Lighter Path" ™ Courses are designed to help you finally be clutter free with more time for your family, for ibaadah, for meaningful pursuits, feeling calmer, happier, focused, and hopeful, bi'ithnillah! 


Introduction to
Simple Living

Discover the liberating benefits of simplifying your life and gain the core tools to start cultivating peace and purpose with a gentle approach and Islamic perspective. 



Declutter & Organise Your Spaces

Transform your home, reclaim your peace of mind, paving the way for more time for your family, for ibaadah, for meaningful pursuits. 



Purposeful Time Management 

Design your day around your deen and  discover practical strategies to optimize your schedule, meeting yourself where you are, aligning your time with your purpose, your values & your goals.

Tell Me More

Download Simplify. Make Space for Change 

A Muslim's guide to simplifying, decluttering and making space for the things that are truly important. The book is a summary of years of experience and learning condensed into a  bite-sized read you can complete over a cup of coffee. 

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