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Asalaamu aleikum,  


I can’t wait to help you achieve a more balanced life.

After years of struggling with stress, overwhelm, clutter and all that comes with it, I reached a point where I knew I had to make some major changes. 

Now I am able support sisters as they embark on their own unique simplification journeys, helping them turn down the noise. 


Reclaiming Peace and Purpose, One Small Step at a Time  


While there's plenty of content out there on decluttering, simple living and minimalism, I recognized the need for a supportive community specifically catering to Muslim women, with practical simplification guidance rooted in our deen.

I founded Finding Sakeenah to create a safe space for sisters to connect, to learn and to transform their lives, simplifying, decluttering and making space for what is most important. 

What sets Finding Sakeenah apart is the gentle, holistic and deen-based approach to simplification and decluttering, meeting sisters where they are, providing compassionate support, and guiding them step by step towards positive change.

I also understand that transformation takes time and patience, which is why I offer bite-sized classes, easy-to-understand guidance, and ongoing support helping sisters to create space for positive change cultivating a life of purpose for the sake of pleasing Allah.



Find greater peace and live a more balanced 


Live a more peaceful life. Simple and easy to follow. Finding Sakeenah has everything you need to start turning down the noise and realigning your life with your ultimate purpose. 

Start simplifying 
Take the next step 
Join the Lighter Path
Transform your life

Download Simplify, Make Space for Change Now. 

A Muslims' Guide to Simplifying, Decluttering and Making Space for the things that are Truly Important.